銆愰噸瑕佽緹璋c-鍏充簬缃戜笂CODESYS瀹夊叏婕忔礊鐨勬緞娓呭拰璇存槑-鏂伴椈璧勮-閰峰痉缃 - CoDeSys杞欢鏁欑▼涓嬭浇,CoDeSys宸ユ帶璧勮闂ㄦ埛
鏌ョ湅: 2647|鍥炲: 0


  • TA鐨勬瘡鏃ュ績鎯
    2019-8-13 14:13
  • 绛惧埌澶╂暟: 32 澶


    鍙戣〃浜 2018-1-19 08:25:40 | 鏄剧ず鍏ㄩ儴妤煎眰 |闃呰妯″紡
    High Security standards for CODESYSCODESYS鐨勯珮瀹夊叏鏍囧噯
    Kempten, January 2018:Recently found and reported vulnerabilities in CODESYS have been known andfixed for years. 鏉ヨ嚜CODESYS鎬婚儴锛岃偗鏅粫锛2018骞1鏈堬細鏈杩戝湪缃戠粶涓祦琛岀殑CODESYS涓彂鐜板拰鎶ュ憡鐨勬紡娲炰负澶氬勾鍓嶅凡鐭ュ苟宸蹭慨澶嶇殑闂銆
    Thanks to the comprehensive capabilities of the leading IEC 61131-3 system CODESYS, the tool is used in many industrial controls from different manufacturers worldwide. The system is also popular in China.CODESYS鏄叏鐞冮鍏堢殑鎺у埗绯荤粺浠ュ強鑷姩鍖栬涓氳蒋浠跺紑鍙戝伐鍏凤紝瀹冪鍚圛EC61131-3鏍囧噯锛屾ц兘鍗撹秺锛屽湪鍏ㄤ笘鐣屽緢澶氫笉鍚屽埗閫犲晢鐨勫伐涓氭帶鍒朵腑寰椾互搴旂敤銆傝杞欢鍦ㄤ腑鍥戒篃搴旂敤骞挎硾銆
    Recently, Security researchers have pointed out Security vulnerabilities in CODESYS and published them in a defamatory way in Chinese media. The researchers stated that by exploiting these vulnerabilities, controllers programmable with CODESYS V2.3could be deliberately brought to a crash, or their data accessed without authorization. 鏈杩戯紝鏈夐潪瀹樻柟浜哄憳鎸囧嚭CODESYS涓瓨鍦ㄥ畨鍏ㄦ紡娲烇紝骞剁敤璇借挨鎬х殑鏂瑰紡鍙戝竷鍦ㄤ腑鍥界殑閮ㄥ垎濯掍綋涓娿傝繖浜涙姤閬撳0绉帮紝鍒╃敤杩欎簺婕忔礊锛屽彲钃勬剰浣緾ODESYSV2.3锛2.3鐗堟湰锛夊紑鍙戠殑鍙紪绋嬬殑鎺у埗鍣ㄥ穿婧冿紝鎴栬呮湭缁忔巿鏉冭闂繖浜涙帶鍒跺櫒鐨勬暟鎹
    3S-Smart Software Solutions as a manufacturer of CODESYS has thoroughly examined the factual content of these reports. It turned out that the mentioned vulnerabilities are no longer relevant. They were detected in 2012 and 2016 and fixed immediately. Updated versions of the CODESYS Control runtime system were delivered to the device manufacturers - along with the urgent recommendation to integrate these Security updates into the affected devices as soon as possible. 浣滀负CODESYS鐨勫埗閫犲晢锛屽痉鍥3S杞欢鏈夐檺鍏徃浠旂粏妫鏌ヤ簡杩欎簺鎶ラ亾鐨勫疄闄呭唴瀹癸紝骞跺彂鐜板叾鎵鎻愬強鐨勬紡娲炴棭宸叉病鏈夋剰涔変簡銆傚洜涓猴紝鏃╁湪2012骞村拰2016骞达紝鍏徃灏卞凡鏌ュ嚭杩欎簺婕忔礊锛屽苟鍦ㄦ煡鍑哄悗绔嬪嵆杩涜淇涓斾慨澶嶅畬鎴愩傚痉鍥3S杞欢鏈夐檺鍏徃涔熸棭宸插皢CODESYS Control杩愯瀹炴椂绯荤粺鐨勬洿鏂扮増鏈彁浜ょ粰浜嗗悇璁惧鍒堕犲晢锛屽苟绱фュ憡鐭ヤ粬浠皢杩欎簺瀹夊叏鏇存柊闆嗘垚鍒板彈婕忔礊褰卞搷鐨勮澶囦腑銆
    The integration of theruntime system is the responsibility of the respective device manufacturers andcannot be carried out by 3S-Smart Software Solutions. Moreover, all users ofautomation devices should strictly adhere to the usual Security recommendationsat all times. More specifically, available Security updates are to beimplemented immediately, any relevant warnings are to be observed. The CODESYSSecurity White Paper summarizes important notes and can be downloaded from the3S-Smart Software Solutions website.浣嗛渶寮鸿皟鐨勬槸锛岃繍琛屽疄鏃剁郴缁熺殑闆嗘垚鏄悇涓澶囧埗閫犲晢鐨勮矗浠伙紝3S杞欢鏈夐檺鍏徃鏄棤娉曚唬鏇垮畠浠疄鏂界殑銆傝屼笖锛屾垜浠彁閱掞細鎵鏈夎嚜鍔ㄥ寲璁惧鐨勭敤鎴烽兘蹇呴』鏃跺埢閬靛畧姝e父瀹夊叏寤鸿銆傛洿鍏蜂綋鍦拌锛屽凡鎻愪緵鐨勫畨鍏ㄦ洿鏂板拰琛ヤ竵蹇呴』绔嬪嵆搴旂敤锛屼换浣曠浉鍏崇殑璀﹀憡蹇呴』寰楀埌閲嶈銆侰ODESYS瀹夊叏鐧界毊涔︽荤粨浜嗛噸瑕佺殑浜嬮」锛屽彲浠ヤ粠寰峰浗3S杞欢鏈夐檺鍏徃缃戠珯涓婁笅杞姐(鐐瑰嚮鏂囩珷涓嬫柟闃呰鍘熸枃鍙笅杞紺ODESYS瀹夊叏鐧界毊涔)鎴栧敖蹇仈绯讳腑鍥3S鍥㈤槦 sales@codesys.cn
    3S-Smart Software Solutions takes all aspects of CODESYS Security very seriously and has introduced processes and procedures that have already proven successful in the world of IT software. This includes numerous Security features in the current generation of the CODESYS V3 software, such as user administration at various levels,encryption/signing of data and communication via dongle or with proven technologies such as TLS or X. 509 certificates. CODESYS users can thus, for example, secure production processes based on the same technologies that have become standard in online banking. In addition, 3S-Smart Software Solutions has established transparent processes for publishing and resolving Security vulnerabilities: Security advisories are publicly accessible on our company's website. The corresponding Security patches can be downloaded from the CODESYSStore. For years, the company has been cooperating with relevant authoritiessuch as ICS-CERT (USA) or BSi (Germany) in the case of newly foundvulnerabilities.3S杞欢鏈夐檺鍏徃瀵笴ODESYS瀹夊叏鐨勬柟鏂归潰闈㈤兘闈炲父閲嶈锛屽苟寮曞叆浜咺T杞欢鐣屾垚鍔熺殑娴佺▼鍜岀▼搴忋傚湪鏂颁竴浠ODESYSV3锛堢3鐗堟湰锛夎蒋浠朵腑锛屽紩鍏ヤ簡澶ч噺瀹夊叏鐗规э紝姣斿浠庡悇涓骇鍒鐢ㄦ埛鐨勭鐞嗭紝鏁版嵁鍔犲瘑/鏁版嵁绛惧悕锛屼互鍙婄敤鍔犲瘑鐙楁垨鑰呭儚TLS锛堝畨鍏ㄤ紶杈撳眰鍗忚锛夋垨X.509璇佷功杩欐牱鐨勬垚鐔熸妧鏈繘琛岄氳銆備妇涓緥瀛愶紝鍥犱负鏈変簡杩欎簺瀹夊叏鐗规э紝CODESYS鐨勭敤鎴峰氨鍙互淇濊瘉浠栦滑鐢熶骇娴佺▼鐨勫畨鍏紝鑰岀敤鍒扮殑杩欎簺鎶鏈鏄ぇ瀹舵墍鐔熺煡鐨勶紝宸茬粡鎴愪负缃戜笂閾惰鏍囧噯鐨勪俊鎭畨鍏ㄦ妧鏈傛澶栵紝3S杞欢鏈夐檺鍏徃宸茬粡寤虹珛浜嗗彂甯冨拰瑙e喅瀹夊叏婕忔礊鐨勯忔槑娴佺▼锛氬畨鍏ㄥ叕鍛婁細鍏紑鍙戝竷鍦ㄦ垜鍏徃缃戠珯涓婏紝鐩稿簲鐨勫畨鍏ㄨˉ涓佸彲浠嶤ODESYS鍟嗗簵涓嬭浇銆傦紙涓浗缃戠珯灏嗗湪2018骞翠笂鍗婂勾姝e紡鍙戝竷锛屽苟闅忕潃瀹樼綉鏇存柊鑰屾洿鏂帮級銆傚骞存潵锛屽湪鍙戠幇鏂版紡娲炵殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戜滑浼氬拰ICS-CERT锛堢編鍥藉伐鎺х郴缁熺綉缁滃簲鎬ュ搷搴斿皬缁勶級鎴栬匓Si锛堣嫳鍥芥爣鍑嗗崗浼-寰峰浗缁勭粐锛夌瓑鐩稿叧閮ㄩ棬鍚堜綔瑙e喅銆




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