What code does the CoDeSys IDE generate?
This morning, some workmates discussed "what code the CoDeSys IDE generate",Some said that the CoDeSys IDE generates machine code that can be executed directly by hardware,some said that the CoDeSys IDE generates interpretative code that can not be executed by hardware directly but interpreted by the CoDeSys runtime.
有人说,CoDeSys的IDE生成机器代码,可以直接通过硬件执行,也有人说CoDeSys的IDE不能由硬件执行,而是直接解释的CoDeSys运行时产生解释性代码。 CodeSys 官网论坛的回答如下:
The CODESYS compilers directly generate machine code for the specific CPU of the target device.
However, that machine code needs the CODESYS Runtime as an "environment" to execute, as the runtime provides functionality needed by the IEC code (application scheduling, task handling, I/O drivers, basic system functionality, etc...).
It means that you must have a RTS ,